First City Child Policy

First City is a fitness facility. We are proud to offer childcare in a large, bright, clean dedicated childcare room with caring helpers during certain times of the day so that parents with children can workout too. We are fortunate to have the space and the dedicated and caring helpers.

In order to ensure that we can continue to allow parents to bring their children to the gym and to offer quality childcare to our parent athletes, First City has put the following policies and procedures in place to ensure the smooth operation of childcare and the safety of all children. Please read them carefully and follow them to ensure there are no issues.

These policies are subject to addition and change at any time as First City  sees fit. First City and the childcare workers reserve the right to make exceptions as they see fit.

Thank you for being a part of the First City community. Any issues, concerns or feedback should be emailed to First City at

Communications regarding these Policies

There is an email list dedicated to parents who utilize childcare. In order to ensure that you are aware of changes, cancellations, and other information related to childcare at First City, please be sure that you are on the email list. You can sign up using the link below. If you are no longer utilizing childcare, you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of any of the emails.

First City Parents Email List

Questions, concerns, or feedback on these policies can be sent to

Supervising your children while at First City

The gym is for adults and is full of heavy and/or dangerous equipment that children can get injured on or by. When children are at FCCF, particularly when they are not in the childcare room, parents are responsible for the close supervision and safety of their children.

Children must be kept closely supervised and away from anyone working out.
Children also must be supervised by parents at all times while in the greater complex including the parking lot, bathrooms, and courtyard.
Parents are responsible for the safety of their children if their children are playing on or near the gym equipment. Parents are responsible for keeping their children off of and away from equipment that could result in them becoming injured.
Parents are responsible for keeping their children off of and away from any equipment that could be damaged or broken by their children. This includes the rowers and the bikes. Parents may be responsible for the cost to repair or replace any equipment that their children break.

Parents must remain at First City CrossFit with their children. Parents cannot leave their children at FCCF at any time. Running as part of the workout is not considered leaving your child at First City CrossFit.

Older children are permitted to be in the childcare room during times when there is no supervised childcare. It is up to the parents to decide if their child is mature enough to be in the room by themselves and the parents are fully responsible for the supervision of their child while they are in this room by themselves. Parents must inspect the room after the child has been in there and clean up any toys or other messes. Memberships and checking in are not required for children using the childcare room outside of the times when there is supervised childcare.

If children are going to be out of the childcare room while anyone is working out, the parents must ensure that their child is in a safe location and that the child will remain there throughout the workout. Children cannot be running around the gym while a workout is going on. It is not safe for them and makes the athletes nervous and distracted. If a child runs out onto the floor during a workout, their parents are fully responsible for any injury to their child or anyone else. If there is any chance that your child will run out onto the floor, children should be put in the childcare room and remain there throughout the workout.

Childcare Memberships

All children in childcare during the supervised hours (8:15am, 9:15am) must have a sub-account under their parent’s account, an applicable childcare membership associated with their sub-account, a digital waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian, and the parent must have agreed to the terms and conditions before coming to the gym. This currently needs to be setup by FCCF staff. Please email with the name of your children and the memberships you would like added to their sub-account. If you have any questions or concerns about childcare membership options, please email or talk to a manager at the gym.

As of May 1st, 2018, the pricing for childcare is as follows.

Children under 3 years old
$30 unlimited* for the first child
$20 unlimited* for the second child
Punchcard – $50 for 10 / 1-hour sessions
Single Session – $6 / 1-hour session

Children between 3-10 years old
$20 unlimited* for the first child
$10 unlimited* for the second child
Punchcard – $50 for 10 / 1-hour sessions
Single Session – $6 / 1-hour session

1-hour per day

Childcare memberships including the Unlimited memberships are only valid for 1-hour per day while a parent is working out. The coaches will do their best to ensure the workout finishes before the hour is up, but parents will need to pick up their child when the hour is up even if this means ending your workout before they have finished. You are welcome to cool down and stretch with your children in the secondary workout space outside the kids room.

Reserving a spot


Parents will need to reserve a spot for each of their children in the Childcare time slot just like you would reserve yourself a spot for the workouts by going to If you have not reserved a spot, childcare may not be available if there are too many children. If parents sign up in advance, we can make sure that we have adequate help to meet the need.

The software should allow you to reserve a spot for your children without logging out of your account. Your childrens’ accounts will need to be defined under your account.
Sign up for Monday thru Friday will be required by 8pm the night before. Sign up for Saturday and Sunday will be required by Friday at 6pm. This will give FCCF adequate time to coordinate enough help.

Checking into childcare

Please be sure to use the tablets mounted at different locations around the gym to check yourself into the workout AND your child or children into childcare when you arrive at the gym using any of the client kiosks around the gym.

Childcare Availability

FCCF is proud to offer childcare 6 days a week. Childcare is offered Monday thru Friday during the 8:15am CrossFit wourkout and during the 9:15am Iron Bodies workout. Childcare on Saturdays is limited to the 9am CrossFit workout. There is no childcare on Sundays.

Preventing the Spread of Illness

If you child has had a fever or thrown up in the last 24 hours, please do not bring them to FCCF.

If your child comes down with any serious illness that is contagious and can be spread easily, please email and let us know so we can be sure to sanitize the room if necessary.

While we want our athletes to be able to workout, please respect your fellow athletes and parents by taking a rest day, working out outside the gym, or having someone else watch your child away from the gym.

Dropping off and Picking up your children

Please avoid dropping your child off early. FCCF can only offer childcare for your children for 1-hour each day. This includes the unlimited childcare memberships. Parents coming in early can upset children who are looking for their parents to pick them up. The childcare room is also often crowded and parents dropping their children off early means childcare can be overwhelmed.

Whether you have completed your workout or not, children must be picked up in a timely manner at the end of the hour long workout. Please be mindful of the time when working out. Even if your child is behaving, the childcare room can get really crowded with the next workout coming in and it is a lot to ask of the childcare workers to stay longer. If parents repeatedly are late in picking up their children from childcare, they may be denied use of childcare.

No food or drinks

For a variety of reasons including allergies, cleanliness, and not having enough to share, please try to avoid allowing your child to bring food, drink or snacks into the gym. Water and bottles for babies are acceptable. Please make sure that they are fed before they come to avoid them getting upset because they are hungry.

Children who misbehave or are inconsolable

If your child is not behaving and/or not listening to the childcare workers, they will not be allowed to stay in the childcare area. If they are upset to the point of upsetting other children and the childcare workers are not able to calm them down, they will not be allowed to stay in the childcare area. I have instructed the childcare helpers, in this scenario, to bring the child to their parent even though this may mean the parent cannot workout. It is recommended that the parent come spend time with the child in childcare to help them get comfortable in the room so that they will be calmer next time.

Outside toys and electronics

To avoid conflicts over toys in the childcare room and toys that are not safe for children of different ages, please do not allow your child to bring any toys into the gym. If you have an older child who wants to bring a tablet to keep them occupied and entertained, then they need to sit outside the childcare room.


ALL children under the age of 12 must be escorted to the bathroom and supervised in the complex in general. Historically there have been issues with the plumbing in our bathroom and children from the gym have been suspected in the past. There are also other businesses in the complex and we need to ensure that they are not affected by kids from First City CrossFit.

Diaper changing and disposal

If you child is not yet potty trained, please be sure to bring diapers, wipes, and anything else needed to change your child’s diaper. A change of clothing is also a good idea. It is the parent’s responsibility to change a child’s diaper, not the responsibility of the childcare workers even if it is in the middle of the workout.

It is the parent’s responsibility to put all dirty diapers into a plastic bag free of holes and place it in the left-hand dumpster out back. First City has provided small black plastic bags in the childcare room for this purpose. Please do not use the clear garbage bags for this. Please DO NOT leave any diapers in the garbage cans inside the gym or bathrooms regardless of what is in them and regardless of whether they are in a plastic bag.

The dumpster on the left out back is for garbage. Dirty diapers contained in a plastic bag should be placed in the garbage dumpster on the left. The dumpster on the right is for cardboard recycling only, not garbage. The blue bins out front are for recycling only. Please be sure not to throw a diaper in the blue recycling bins out front or in the cardboard recycling dumpster on the right out back.

If you wish to use of the Diaper Genie disposal bin in the childcare room, please at some point contribute by purchasing a refill cartridge. NOTE: The diaper Genie is no longer available because parents were not buying the refill cartridges.


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