Theo DehoyosCoach
CrossFit L2 Trainer

CrossFit Masters, USAW SP-L1, CrossFit Regionals Judge

CrossFit L2 Trainer, CrossFit Masters, USAW SP-L1, CrossFit Regionals Judge

Theo has always been a gym rat and after a deployment with his Army Special Forces unit to Afghanistan he was introduced to CrossFit by several of his fellow Soldiers in 2010. As an Army Non-Commissioned Officer is was natural for him to want to learn more and eventually help train people in CrossFit which led him to obtain his CF Level 1 in 2012 followed by his CF Level 2 in 2013. Additionally, he received his USAW-SPC L1 in 2014.

Theo has coached CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting in multiple states across the country coinciding with his duty stations. He has also been a judge at four CrossFit regional events and two Wodapalooza events. Additionally is an active CrossFit Masters Competitor and has led military training events in functional fitness and tactical training.

Theo hopes to continue learning and training people in all things functional fitness and weightlifting. His love for CrossFit is evident in his passion for the sport and his desire to help people live stronger, fitter, and healthier lives.

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